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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 011518 — one-year anniversary!

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Today we put one big, bright candle on the cupcake — happy birthday to #sparkchamber!

It all got started last year when we wondered how people do it … how they find the time and make the space to get it done — whatever it is. You know, like what are people doing? And why? And how?!

And what a spectacular year of exploration and sharing it’s been! We have so enjoyed these weekly glimpses into “creativity” and how it manifests. From dreamers to planners, innovators to adaptors, auto-pilots to over-drivers — it is completely remarkable! And truly inspiring!

And we want to know more!! This year, we’re making it a little easier to send us your thoughts. The short — but pithy — questionnaire is now accessible online! Check it out, and let us know what you’re up to. And feel free to pass it along to friends.

Thank you for the great first year. And here’s to the wonderful new year ahead! Looking forward to seeing you in the #sparkchamber soon!