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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 071723 — Trevor Morris

With actors now joining writers on the picket lines, #sparkchamber puts Hollywood in the spotlight today, welcoming composer Trevor Morris. Born in a small town in Canada, Trevor moved to Los Angeles in his 20s to pursue a career in scoring music for movies and TV. Which he accomplished with great success — he is now one of the most prolific and versatile composers in Hollywood. Internationally renowned for his music on The Tudors, The Borgias, Vikings, and now the hit television series Taken on NBC, Trevor is a stylistically and musically inventive and versatile soundtrack creator. He recently completed the epic third installment of the Video-Game-of-the-Year winner Dragon Age for Electronic Arts to add to his credit list of 15 solo feature films, 25 prime-time television series, and 5 interactive titles … not to mention two Emmy® awards. Local boy makes good!

We send our support to Trevor and his family, and to everyone fighting the good fight for more equitable compensation in this radically changed and ever-changing entertainment landscape — from streaming to AI. May common sense prevail.

1.] Where do ideas come from?

It’s hard to tell, but if you tune into the vibration of when it happens, you can sort of feel it coming. But my answer would be, having a clear mind and spirit, aka “Getting out of your own way” to let it happen

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

To be a movie director

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

I work at a home studio close to my house and family. A well curated writing studio filled with everything I need. Now-a-days I work banker’s hours, but most of my career was 7 days a week 16-18 hours a day

4.] How do you know when you are done?

The show airs on TV