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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 121823 — National Cookie Exchange Day

This time of year is chock full of holidays, and no matter which — if any! — you may celebrate, #sparkchamber believes it’s better with cookies. And community. Two-for-one available this week, as Friday happens to be National Cookie Exchange Day. ”This delicious holiday is a great way to get friends and family together, exchange recipes, and share the joy of homemade cookies. The tradition of exchanging cookies goes back centuries ago when neighbors would bake batches of treats as gifts during the winter holidays.” You can host a cookie exchange — each guest brings a batch of cookies, along with the recipe to share with the group — bake cookies for a shelter or food pantry, or bring treats to your workplace. If baking isn’t your thing, just buy sugar cookies and get the gang together to decorate them. Even better with cocoa, nog, or winter ale.

In honor of the day, we spotlight #sparkchamber alumna, Laura Vree of Sweet Handmade Cookies, originally posted January 27, 2020

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What a treat to welcome Laura Vree to the #sparkchamber today. Maker in the house! In her own words: No matter where I am in life, one constant is that I am a maker. A maker of food, a maker of things, a maker of messes, a maker of good times. My hands are my tools and I like to think I came from many great and talented makers, makers of music, makers of clothes, makers of clocks, makers of photos. I am inspired by simplicity, by old-world skills, by logic and perfection.

1.] Where do ideas come from?

From my desire to make things great. From my desire to keep things simple. From my desire to use skills seemingly lost by the younger generations, sewing, cooking, crafting, writing. Nothing more profound than that. Doing my best at the things I love to do.

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

My father believed someone without hobbies wasn’t living. He taught me the importance of doing what you love in your free time, even if that something is a whole lot of nothing. When I am so busy with life that I don't have free time, that’s when I get antsy. I work hard to find the opportunities to do the things I love.

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

The truth is, I work best under a deadline. But that doesn’t apply to things from the heart, those just flow without prodding. Those are the things that make work hard because I just want to stop the work to get to the good stuff.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

I seem to just know when to walk away. I rarely look back and think “I should have stopped earlier” or “I should have added that.” It's not even a feeling. It just happens.