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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 032320 — Soundarya Selvam

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A bright, silver lining of social distancing is that the power of social media to connect and unify has been revealed. So many wonderful and inspiring offerings across all channels — from celebrities and “regular people” alike — shows that we are stronger together … even when we’re six feet apart. In love and light, and doing our best to keep up with “normal” life, #sparkchamber warmly welcomes scientist and cake lover, Soundarya Selvam.

In her own words:

“I was born in a small town in India and grew up on the island country of Maldives. Life constantly felt like a vacation surrounded by white sand and crystal blue water till it is was time for my next adventure — Canada. My family immigrated to the Great North and Toronto quickly became home and I grew up surrounded by people from all around the world. I found my passion in science and became a lifelong student exploring my interests. In hindsight, this was inevitable with two teachers for parents and a little sister who was always full of questions.

I completed an undergraduate degree in Genetics at The University Western Ontario and a PhD in Pathology at Queen’s University. My PhD took me on a worldwide adventure across six countries where I not only met some of the brightest minds in the world but also cultivated a love for traveling.

After my PhD and following a year of self-reflection, my next destination was more school. Not a surprise for anyone who knew me well. Currently, I’m expanding my skillset and learning about the world of business. An almost full departure from my comfort zone of being immersed in science but something that excites me just as much.”

For those interested in Soundarya’s medical pursuits, her recent publications are available to read online — a couple articles relating to abnormal bleeding in certain heart patients, and the various factors and conditions impacting that. Technical, but very cool!

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Everywhere. A great brainstorming session always does the trick. Sometimes writing down all the ideas spinning around in my head, even the craziest one, can bring out the best ones. When I’m working on a project, I always have a pen and paper by my bedside. Sometimes the finest ideas come when I’m not even awake. I may not be able to read my own writing in the morning, but that idea is definitely in there somewhere.

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

For the last few years, I’ve had a growing itch to learn more about business. I decided to pursue a degree in business, having never taken a business course prior to my MBA. I could no longer ignore my innate curiosity to learn more about the world of accounting, finance, and marketing. The practical knowledge has been invaluable in my daily life.

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

Night owl. There’s something about the evening when I’m most likely to feel the effects of a deadline that pushes me to work like nothing else. Start like a tortoise and finish like a hare.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

There’s a feeling of fulfillment and a weight feels like it’s lifted off my chest. Nothing is ever perfect, but if you go through enough drafts, you end up putting enough thought into it and a polished product can arise.