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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

The Word Game

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Two summers ago, we had an idea to have a little fun on social media by posting a weekly word-based puzzler. As a verbal-branding company, we figured it would be a light, inviting way to bring some attention to the versatility and power of words — our raw material.

Every few months, we would introduce another type of word into the weekly mindgame mix with a blog post rooted in some type of word. But over time, it became clear that we’d gotten beyond just the fun-and-games of wordplay, and onto something bigger: A primer on verbal branding itself.

So, this summer, we had another idea. To collect up all the posts — with some bonus material for good measure — and print them together in a handy booklet. A sort of field-guide to naming. We are thrilled with the results, and so happy to introduce The Word Game:

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If you would like a copy, just email your name and physical address to me — Quinn, — and, while they last, I’ll drop one in the mail to you. [We won’t use your address for any other purpose ever.]

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Meanwhile, some context that I like to call louder than words. Putting a brand into words is enormously important. But in the bigger picture, who and how we are as people makes a much bigger difference. What are we contributing to the unfolding, ongoing history of the world as we know it? 

Everything is happening everywhere all the time. Nothing exists in a vacuum or off camera. It all counts; it all adds to or subtracts from a total. But it isn’t zero sum. The universe expands.

A light year is how far a photon travels in a calendar year. A calendar year from now, where will this photon be? A light year away, someone on the other side will see that spark for the first time. Long gone here and now, brand new then and there. Good or bad, it lives on.

Each and every, we are those sparks. Thoughts are things, and words express them, but actions are louder than all that. Be real. Be respectful. Have awareness. Have intention. Care. Stand up for what is right. Don’t be a jerk but don’t be a doormat either. Elevate what is good. Be who you are. Make space for others. Vote.