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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 052019 — Johanna Villard

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Spring is in full swing and the #sparkchamber is in full bloom as we welcome botanical goddess Johanna Villard. Johanna grew up in Hawaii, immersed in nature’s playground — making leis from the flowers in the family yard, taking care of her mom’s plants — forming the roots for her love of botanical beauty and ingraining in her a passion for all things flora.

She later moved to California, getting a start in the floral business as a shop girl in Studio City. Learning on the job by watching other designers create, she worked in all aspects of the business — shop manager, buyer, head designer. Now a freelance floral designer and gardener, she creates for weddings, funerals, events, and parties. Her masterful arrangements have also appeared on various TV series, including Modern Family, Shameless, and ER.

Her work even caught the attention of Jack Nicholson. A steady client of one of the shops she worked for, he received such glowing reviews from recipients of flowers he ordered that he called the store to find out the name of the floral designer! He invited her to his home for a screening party of one his films — a large gathering, but she got to meet the iconic actor and he thanked her for her beautiful work.

It’s nice to be recognized, but the real joy is in the process, “I love getting my hands dirty and walking barefoot in the grass. Best therapy there is.”

Feel the love on Instagram @FlowerFetish.

1.] Where do ideas come from?

The best way I can explain my process is from an Eckhart Tolle quote, “All true artists, whether they know it or not, create from a place of no-mind, from inner stillness.” The first time I read this I said, “YES!” out loud.

I love to work with my headphones on and just create, whatever comes to me at the moment. I get all “zenned out.” I highly recommend it!

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

The joy on the faces of people I make things for makes me happy. A vase of flowers, a unique plant, a succulent garden, or just a handful of blooms from my garden given to a client or neighbor always brings a smile and uplifts their spirit. I love that.

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

I like to get to the flower market early before everything is picked through. I’ll have some ideas of what I want to work with before I get there, but I always leave it open for inspiration since there are always new and beautiful choices available. It’s inevitable that you overbuy since everything is so gorgeous!

I also spend time in my garden on a daily basis, even if it’s just deadheading garden roses or watering my Plumeria tree. I have to connect with nature every day, somehow, some way.

4.] How do you know when you are done?
When I run out of flowers 



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