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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 052818 — Sue Leedom

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On Memorial Day, we honor those who gave their lives in service of country. Today, #sparkchamber broadens the frame to include honoring the memories of all those who touched us, formed us, gave of themselves for us. In that divine spirit, we welcome passionate baker, Sue Leedom.

“I am the head baker and owner of Mollie B’s Cookies. I have been baking since childhood. My Grandma Mollie and her sisters lived in close proximity to one another and they used to get together for something called, “Coffee and . . .”  The “and” was a delicious, scratch-made dessert that one of the “girls” whipped up and shared together. I lost my mother to cancer when I was young and relied on those recipes and traditions to keep me grounded.

Coming from a Jewish family [like any other family, really] can get very comical. Most families sit down to a regular buffet. My family sat down to a “pill” buffet to alleviate their aches and pains. Oy. My Grandma and her sisters were a little nutty, but they were mine and I wouldn’t have had it any other way. 

I worked in corporate for 30 years [not a fan!] I was diagnosed with cancer at 42 and didn’t work for 10 years. Happy to report, 17 years cancer free! My love of baking and carrying on those traditions became more important than ever. One day, my husband said, “Would you just make the cookie already?” Voila!  Mollie B’s Cookies was born.”

Follow the love story on Instagram and Facebook.

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Definitely from my mother, my grandmother, and my aunts. Just thinking about their recipes and hearing them say, “It has to be made from scratch, and you have to do it this way,” brings a smile to my face. I definitely pay homage to those recipes, then I put my spin on it. [Hope they aren’t looking.]

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

The itch is the “Mollie B’s Mission.” The mission is I’m not really selling a cookie, I’m creating a cookie experience. The cookie is the vehicle for people to slow down, connect [turn off your phone!] and be in the moment. Sharing memories, laughing, and talking, to me, is another form of meditation. Oh yeah, having something scrumptious to do it with puts the frosting on the cake. [Pun intended.]  

3.] Early bird or night owl, tortoise or hare?

Early bird-ish. I definitely need my morning traditions, coffee, dogs, etc., before I get going. I’m definitely a tortoise. Make no mistake, I get to my destination, I just might stop and smell the cookies along the way. I’m finally learning that I’m a much better human and baker when I pay attention to my daily peaks and valleys.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

Are we ever done? There is always more to learn, taste and do.


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