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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 042318 — Jamie Kelly

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Yesterday was Earth Day, celebrating the natural beauty of our planet, and reminding us of what we can do to keep it healthy. In that spirit of guardianship and optimism, #sparkchamber welcomes conservationist, writer, and over-thinker Jamie Kelly. A student at “arbitrary” university that shares his ideals, the bulk of Jamie’s education thus far has focused on animal care — ranging from wild to domestic — and some on plant life. Through and beyond university, he wants to incorporate and share his knowledge with the public through writing … and owning a brewery. “Yeah,” he says, “execution of that second part is still in the thought-incubator.” [See question 2.]

Jamie is a fan of Worldbuilders, a non-profit uniting the collective power of readers, authors, gamers, and geeks of all creeds to champion smart charities funding education, opportunity, and sustainable self-sufficiency for families and communities worldwide — geeks doing good to make the world a better place one family at a time. This charity gives life to the “teach a person to fish” proverb, while supporting literacy — a great cause!

Worldbuilders uses fun, targeted fundraising events to spread the word. Donations to the year-end campaign earn lottery tickets for, as Jamie says, “cool books or games and stuff in general to nerd-out over.” Their one-week summer fundraiser focuses on the debut of exclusive items and new products that will eventually make their way to the online store. Donations are rewarded with “geeky goods” not otherwise available. Watch this space! We will let you know when the summer fun starts.

1.] Where do ideas come from?

I try and think of the most absurd, implausible situations that an ordinary person could come across, usually based on random things I encounter, with a slight touch of the fantastical. Usually the synthesis of many small things, like lactose intolerance, social anxiety, and ice cream on a first date. Approach life with child-like wonder. Ask “Why?” or “What if?”

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

A place for people to civilly disagree in person. About anything. Politics, sports, the proper way to cut a sandwich. It’s hard to see someone’s side when you are arguing with a screen. This will somehow synthesize with a conservation-based brewery to bring strangers together.

3.] Early bird or night owl, tortoise or hare?

Night owl tortoise. Definitely a befuddling sight, but soars quite elegantly before it comes crashing down. Just trying to take in the flowers before they are all covered in rabbit poop. There is a chance for their waste to fuel Spring’s bloom for those taking the same road as me. Also the Moon’s gravity pulls on more than the tides. It’s a magical part of the experience.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

You are never done. Push your ideals and build followers. Finishing work is not an end point. It’s a place to jump off from for your next endeavor. If it’s no longer fun, step back and rethink your approach.