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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 030518 — Bailey Reid

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Today, #sparkchamber welcomes big thinker, idea generator, and selfie expert Bailey Reid. Bailey has worked for over ten years to empower young women to be the best they can be. With a firm understanding of how the power of words can influence social change, Bailey founded an organization that worked with marginalized communities to deliver important literacy, leadership, and vocational skills to criminalized women.

As a co-founder of the podcast Bad + Bitchy, Bailey is always ready for a debate about politics, food, or pop culture. She is a passionate activist for literacy, equality, community involvement, and values volunteerism, fearlessness, and creativity.

See and read more on Twitter and Instagram

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Ideas come from the fuzzy space between sleep and wakefulness. I’m usually just about to drift off when inspiration will strike. When that happens, you have to act on it immediately, or it gets away from you. I often think of my ideas as something like when a neighbor comes by to ask for sugar. If you don’t invite them in, they’re often gone for a very long time.

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

I recently started taking an improv class. It’s scratching an itch that’s been there since I left grade 10 drama class, and I love it! It’s so fun to step outside of your comfort zone, to be forced to think on the spot, and to create a connection with a stranger. It’s been great to try to get that “flow” going with someone, without preparing ourselves for what’s about to come.

3.] Early bird or night owl? Tortoise or hare?

Definitely early bird; I love going to bed early and getting a good sleep!

I’m probably a hare. It takes me a little while to get into something, but once I do, I tend to rush to finish it. I know that’s not actually a good thing all the time, I often watch other artists (other writers especially) take their time with work, really contemplate how they want to say something, or what would be the most impactful statement to make. I tend to just write the thoughts as they come and hope for the best.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

I’m definitely not a perfectionist. I start to feel finished with a writing project especially after two or three full-document edits. I’m done once I start to scan-read my work, instead of properly reading it with a critical eye. I try to be gentle with my creativity; once I feel like I’ve properly hosted the neighbor for a cup of tea, I’m ready to send them on their way so I can have a nap!