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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 121018 — Evan Sadler

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So happy to welcome kindred spirit, creative connector Evan Sadler to the #sparkchamber today. Evan is the director of production at CreativeLive, overseeing live broadcast, post- and support studios in Seattle and San Francisco. 

CreativeLive is an online educational resource, offering 1,500+ classes ranging from fundamentals to advanced techniques across multiple disciplines including photo + video, art + design, music + audio, craft + maker, and money + life. They champion access to quality education for everyone, as that opens doors, breaks down barriers, and fosters growth and collaboration. At the core, education is the building block for change; equality, creativity, humanity have no boundaries; we’re all in this together, and together we can be a force for good.

“We believe there’s a creator in all of us. From the moment we struck fire, we met our challenges with creative tools. We make dreams come true, problem-solve, and express ourselves through creativity. It shapes our identity and ties us together. Creativity gives us hope — helps us innovate and imagine. It’s how we change the world.”

Kindred indeed!

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Alone time, usually in the morning and days where I am lucky enough to have less meetings and time to go to yoga. Amazing ideas come out of a quiet 90 minutes of moving meditation. 

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

If we’re being honest, all stories have been told. It’s the point of view and style of storytelling that makes something your own. Memoirist Joyce Maynard was just on CreativeLive [aired live in August; her memoir-writing seminar is available at CreativeLive] and I love that her focus was about your obsession. That — and the fact that everyone’s life is wholly unique — is the root of an amazing story.

3.] Early bird or night owl, tortoise or hare?

I want to stay up late, yet freshest and most inspired as the early bird. I’m a tortoise at home on especially weekends and a hare during the week

4.] How do you know when you are done?

I rarely know when I’m done. It needs to be taken away from me.