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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 052917 Jeff Kaller

Today’s #sparkchamber brings a voice from the breathtaking country of islands and bridges. Meet Jeff Kaller, the rector for Stenebyskolan, a school for craft and design in Dalsland, Sweden [an interview:, Instagram:]. 

His medium is ceramics, and he makes remarkable works of art. [A review of one piece:; his Facebook page:]

He is the father of two, family cook [some things he cooked on Halv Åtta hos Mig], occasional project leader, teacher, maker, amateur sailor, among other things.

Must-watch clip! [You don’t have to know Swedish to hear how cute his accent is in Swedish]:]

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Most ideas come from previous ideas which are developed, built upon, altered, new questions posed: What if? What will happen if I? How will it look, taste, function, work if I...? Ideas also come from the ideas of others in the form of inspiration — interesting solutions, ability to see and reveal things.

2.] What is the itch you are scratching? 

To reveal what I can't experience: what I can't see, touch, feel, taste, understand.

3.] Early bird or night owl, tortoise or hare?

All of the above. I am by nature a night person and maybe fast after getting to work. In terms of the creative process, I need to carve out time to work, to focus to dive into most things. Often this involves thinking the process thorough before starting. It sometimes involves diving into a process without knowing what will happen or what the results will be. Mostly it involves creating the structure for questions and solutions to be revealed – often creating the structure is the creative process.

4.] How do you know when you are done?
Depends. Sometimes never.  Sometimes when a deadline arrives.  When dinner is ready. When the last part is in place.