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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 030617 Sarah Vienot

In the #sparkchamber today, our own Sarah Vienot, connector and podcast devotee. Sarah handles social branding and project management for Fussfactory. Sarah also focuses her energies on family (organic and bonus), teaching old tricks to a new dog, horseback riding, traveling, berry-picking/jelly-jam making under the guidance of her SO, and she has a knack for ferreting out the best coffee spots such as The Lazy Tulip Café.

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Having worked in creative fields of differing disciplines over the years (music, film, and branding) the one unifying theme is the importance of carving out time to absorb, marinate and fill the well so I can make creative withdrawals in the future. Ideas can come from anywhere — a snippet of an overheard conversation, an interesting podcast, a beautiful work of art, or sipping the perfect cappuccino while people watching. They often show up when I’m not focused on generating ideas — so while on a run or a hike or in the shower. When my brain goes on autopilot, ideas start flowing.

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

My narrative-based brain is always seeking the through line to a problem or situation. Tease out the story and you will find the solution.

3.] Early bird or night owl, tortoise or hare?

I am a night owl by nature but an early bird by necessity. On those rare occasions I get to indulge my nocturnal loving nature, I love the peace and quiet of working undisturbed late into the evening — time seems to flow more slowly and I’m not distracted by things in my morning daily round. Because I’m in constant multi-task mode, I like to get things done quickly. I’m a big believer in leaping before having details figured out. The process of leaping causes me to make decisions quickly — the antidote to analysis paralysis, team hare all the way.

4.] How do you know when you are done?

I’ve found imposing a deadline is the best way to focus attention.