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Words about words, brands, names and naming, and the creative process.

#sparkchamber 112017 — Sharon Heath

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Thanksgiving week in the #sparkchamber brings a ray of love and light in the form of Sharon Heath, a certified Jungian Analyst in private practice, and author of The Fleur Trilogy. [Tizita, book 2 of the trilogy was reviewed by Publisher’s Weekly! Check it out here.

Sharon writes fiction and non-fiction exploring the interplay of science and spirit, politics and pop culture, contemplation and community. A faculty member of the C.G. Jung Institute of Los Angeles, she served as Associate Editor of Psychological Perspectives and Guest Editor of the special issue The Child Within/The Child Without. She has given talks in the United States and Canada on topics ranging from the place of soul in social media to gossip, envy, secrecy, and belonging. Find all of her works at her Amazon author page.

She is “crazy about kids, cats, people who give a damn, the Indra’s Web of life on this planet, ensuring a healthy planet for future generations, quantum physics, Ethiopian music, the unending creativity and resilience of the psyche, and taking a stand for compassion and love in this cockamamie world.” Beautiful sentiments to kick off the holiday season! For more, check out her blog at

1.] Where do ideas come from?

Ideas come from the earth, the seas, the void, the stuff of stars inside us. 

2.] What is the itch you are scratching?

Generations of ancestors cry out inside me to give voice to the strange, terrible, wonderful experience of being human. I’d go stark raving bonkers if I didn’t write.

3.] Early bird or night owl, tortoise or hare?

I sit down at the computer as soon as I wake up, dream juice still dripping inside me. I write my best scenes in my jammies, teeth and hair unbrushed: uncivilized, vulnerable, raw. But editing? Best to be clothed, sharp, prepared to “murder your darlings” in service to the story. 

4.] How do you know when you are done?

I pretty much collapse after three-and-a-half pages. That’s the measure of my daily stamina, and it’s pretty much invariable unless I’m in that final, pushing stage. As for being done with a novel? When the characters tell me: “Yep, you got it. Go play with the cats.”